
SURABAYA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini encouraged innovation from students and academic community of the Ten November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya to make earthquake-resistant home innovations to help people in disadvantaged, outermost and remote (3T) areas. "I encourage students and ITS community to produce innovations and technologies to help people in 3T areas," said the Minister of Social Affairs after being a speaker at a general study activity quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 8. Social Minister appreciates ITS which has been providing innovative works for the nation and state. The former Mayor of Surabaya gave an example of ITS innovations that have helped the Ministry of Social so far. "In some cases we have assisted the ITS, for example housing houses that are earthquake-resistant, microhydro, and ships. And (innovation) this is all done by transfer knowledge," said Risma. In other words, continued Risma, innovations made by ITS are not just projects alone, but there is education through assistance to the community directly. "ITS friends also accompany the community in Papua regions for example, even though the terrain is heavy," he said. Risma also said that the technology made by ITS was very beneficial. This can be seen from the results of the collaboration that he has built since serving as Mayor of Surabaya to Social Affairs. Technological innovations made by ITS are not inferior to existing technology in the market. Even in terms of prices are cheaper and more affordable. Meanwhile, ITS Chancellor Mochamad Ashari said his party would continue to support and assist the community through technological innovation.

One example, he said, is the construction of ships in Papua, where ITS lecturers went directly to the location to assist shipbuilding. "Building a remote and outermost area is one of the ways to build empathy that there are many around us that need to be helped. ITS has technology that is very sensitive to it, from the ministry there is also a program. We just have to run it. Starting to prepare architects to build ships," he said.

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