
BANYUMAS Police Banyumas is investigating a clash between community organizations (ormas) involving Pemuda Pancasila (PP) and Lowo Ireng (LI) in Keradenan Hamlet, Banteran Village, Sumbang District, Banyumas Regency, Tuesday, March 7, evening.

Banyumas Police Chief Kombes Pol Edy Suranta Sitepu explained that the clashes began with the construction of a Wanatawi project in Gandatapa Village, Sumbang District, Banyumas, which employed the Chairman of the Banyumas Regency Lowo Ireng Association, along with its members.

The Wanasiwata development process makes the river flow clogged. Even though the flow is the only irrigation facility used by local residents to flow rice fields and fish ponds belonging to local residents. So there was a problem between the project owner, namely Imam and the residents who owned the fish pond.

"However, from the information we have obtained, there has been an agreement that it will be replaced. So that yesterday (Tuesday 7 March) a balance will be carried out on the burden of losses from the residents," said Kombes Edy in a written statement, Wednesday, March 8.

"From the information we got at the time of weighing the burden on the losses of the residents, there has been a commotion, where there are already Lowo Ireng and PP elements," he continued.

And on the same day, at around 20.00 WIB there was a commotion that caused 2 victims from Lowo Ireng.

"Currently we are conducting investigations, processing crime scenes and examining witnesses, yesterday we examined 8 witnesses, and today there are 9 other people we are examining," he explained.

According to the Chief of Police, the perpetrators are being pursued and are advised to immediately surrender.

"The people related to us will summon and we will ask for information. And some of our perpetrators are pursuing, and we also urge the perpetrators to surrender immediately," he explained.

From this incident, the Head of the Banyumas Police emphasized that it is not justified for the public or mass organizations to take justice into their own hands.

"There is no organization whose position is above the law, so I ask everyone to respect the law and if anyone knows, immediately report it to the nearest police force", he said.

The police chief also appealed to the public not to be afraid to report to the police if there were mass organizations doing anything arbitrary.

"On this occasion I urge the public, if there is intimidation, threats, coercion and all forms of thuggery to dare to report to the police, don't be afraid. Every report related to thuggery actions, we will definitely take action", appealed the Police Chief.

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