
Bandung Regent Dadang Supriatna asked trail bike activists who damaged the environment in the Ranca Upas area of Bandung to take responsibility.

Dadang emphasized that his party had never supported these activities. He also criticized the environmental damage and eroded the rare type of plant due to the activities of the trail motorbike entering the green area.

"Of course, I deeply regret and strongly condemn this incident," said Dadang in his statement, Wednesday, March 8, quoted by Antara.

Regarding the profiteering of the Bandung Regency Government (Pemkab) logo at the event, Dadang admitted that he was harmed. He said the logo was profiteered without permission by the event organizers.

"The committee and parties who support the organization of this event must be responsible for this incident," he said.

The trail bike activity that damaged the environment went viral on social media in the form of video recordings. In the video, a man looks angry because part of the land in the Ranca Upas area is damaged by trail motor activities that damage the Rawa flower plant or Syngonathus Flavidulis).

The man known as Supriatna alias Uprit said the flowers were quite rare because they were only in two locations in West Java.

He also admitted that he was one of the people who cultivated the flowers in Rancaupas. For this reason, he also regretted that there were parties who gave permission to organize the event.

"Look at the impact like this, it's destroyed," Uprit said in the video.

When contacted on Wednesday, Uprit admitted that he was replanting the Bunga Rawa plant with various parties involved in the location damaged by the incident.

According to him, the destructive event was attended by more than 100 motorbikes. He said the Rawa flower in Rancaupas was spread over an area of 3-4 hectares.

"There are around 2,000 that were run over," he said.

For this reason, he hopes that the incident can be a lesson to preserve the environment, especially because the Rawa Flower is very rare.

"Hopefully this (Bunga Rawa), becomes the icon of Rancaupas," he said.

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