
JAKARTA - The case of Mario Dandy Satrio (20), son of a South Jakarta Tax official who has now become a suspect along with 2 of his friends, Shane Lukas (20) and AG (15) is still rolling. Until now, the case is still rolling and heating up. This is because the witness initials N, through his attorney, revealed a new fact.

Muannas Alaidid as the attorney for witness N, said that the behavior of Mario Dandy Satrio, Agnes and Shane had not made any efforts to help David Ozora, after carrying out persecution in the Pesanggrahan area, South Jakarta.

"It is true that there was no attempt to help them (Mario-Shane). This is the confession of key witness N to us," said Muannas when confirmed, Wednesday, March 8.

Muannas also said that based on his client's confession, the perpetrators had no regrets, even though the victim had suffered serious injuries. In fact, they had time to play guitar before being taken to the South Jakarta Metro Police.

'Nothing! It was proven that after the perpetrators were taken to the police station according to our witnesses, they were caught playing guitar.' said Muannas.

Muannas explained that his client was a key witness, who had been at the scene of the incident shortly after the abuse took place.

He explained that the shout of 'Woi' in the video was carried out by his client to stop Mario Dandy's violence. At that time, witness N looked from the balcony of the 2nd floor of his house.

"We make sure the screams come from witness N who looks from the balcony of the 2nd floor of his house, where there is 1 person lying on the road and 1 other person standing tall. Reflection then immediately shouted 'Woi Stop!'," he said.

Furthermore, witness N ran down from the balcony of the 2nd floor of his house, which was also followed by her husband, R, to the scene. Arriving below, he was surprised that the person lying down was his child's friend who was visiting.

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