
YOGYAKARTA - Investigation of Rafael Alun Trisambodo's assets has been completed by the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu). The audit was carried out after the wealth of Rp. 51.93 billion belonging to the former official of the Board of Taxes (DJP) was considered odd. What are the facts about Rafael Alun's audit results?

The Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) has blocked 40 accounts of Rafael Alun and his family. The account became a forum for cash flow of IDR 500 billion.

The following are a number of facts related to Rafael Alun's wealth that were revealed from the Ministry of Finance's audit.

Rafael Alun, who has been fired from his employment status at the tax office, has been proven to have committed a serious disciplinary violation. This is known from the results of an investigative audit of Rafael Alun's assets carried out by the Ministry of Finance.

Regarding what serious disciplinary violations Rafael Alun committed, it will be delivered today Wednesday (8/3) in a media briefing.

The Ministry of Finance said that Rafael Alun Trisambodo was in the process of imposing severe disciplinary punishment for his actions. Rafael Alun is said to be subject to dismissal as a state civil servant (ASN).

Rafael Alun was previously removed from his position as Head of the General Section of the South Jakarta II DGT Regional Office on Friday (24/2) last February. However, his status is still as an ASN because he still has to undergo the examination process. He still gets the right to receive a salary.

Rafael Alun's share ownership has also been investigated by the Ministry of Finance. It was revealed that Rafael Alun owns shares in 6 companies from the private sector. In addition, the Ministry of Finance also recommended that the six companies be checked for tax compliance with the DGT.

PPATK blocks a total of 40 accounts related to Rafael Alun. The accounts belong to his family to his colleagues. Account freezing is carried out in the context of examining Rafael's assets.

The blocking has been carried out by PPATK since last Friday (3/3). PPATK immediately moved quickly to block the account belonging to Rafael's family, namely personal accounts, wives, and their children Mario Dandy Satriyo.

PPATK suspects that there was a money laundering crime (TPPU) committed by Rafael Alun. It was found that there was an odd transaction that did not match the profile of the person concerned and used other parties suspected of being intermediaries or nominees.

Tax consultant from Rafael Alun is one of the parties involved in alleged money laundering. The tax consultant, whose identity has not been disclosed, is said to have fled abroad.

The figure of the tax consultant turned out to be a former DGT employee. Rafael Alun used the services of the tax consultant in regulating his wealth. PPATK has blocked the account from tax consultant Rafael Alun.

PPATK said that the money in Rafael Alun's tax consultant account was very large. However, PPATK did not specify in detail how much money.

That's a review of the facts on the results of Rafael Alun's audit. From the results of the investigation, it was found that Rafael Alun was proven to have committed a serious disciplinary violation. The Ministry of Finance is currently processing the law for Rafael Alun, namely dismissal from his status as an ASN.

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