
JAKARTA - Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Hadi Tjahjanto said the complaint hotline service has now been integrated with BPN offices throughout Indonesia.

"The Central ComplaintsHotline has received 24,745 conversations. This shows that people need a complaint channel," Hadi said in a written statement, Tuesday, March 7, which was confiscated by Antara.

Hadi admitted that previously this service had problems with the timing of the complaint response because it needed confirmation and deepening of data from various regional offices (kanwil).

However, currently the complaint hotline for the ATR/BPN center is claimed to be faster, because it has been integrated with all regional offices.

After being launched last year at the central level, the complaint hotline 0811-1068-0000 is a channel that is of public interest to submit complaints regarding the service of the Ministry of ATR/BPN.

This year the complaint hotline is integrated with 33 regional offices, so that the follow-up to complaints becomes faster with decentralization.

"With this hotline integration, there is no longer any space and time between the community and the Ministry of ATR/BPN," said Hadi.

Kementerian ATR/BPN telah melakukan persiapan integrasi hotline hingga level kanwil sejak awal 2023. Kegiatan ini ditandai dengan pembentukan admin hotline per kanwil pada Januari dan pelatihan di Februari.

In the future, the plan for hotline integration will reach the level of the Land office. It is hoped that the lower the level of hotline integration, the faster public complaints will be for follow-up.

The inauguration of the central complaint hotline was held at the ATR/BPN Ministry Working Meeting which took place in Jakarta on Tuesday 7 March. Also accompanying Hadi Tjahjanto, Deputy Minister of ATR/BPN Raja Juli Antoni.

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