
JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that the Indonesian diaspora abroad is an inseparable part of Indonesia's economic development.

This was conveyed by the Vice President during a hybrid dialogue with the Indonesian diaspora, a halal product business actor in Japan.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is an inseparable part of Indonesia's economic development," said the Vice President at the Mitsui Kyoto Hotel, Japan, Tuesday, March 7, which was confiscated by Anatara.

According to the Vice President, through the role of diaspora and business people, Indonesian products will be increasingly widely known in the global market, including halal products.

"Likewise in Japan, although the Muslim population is a minority here, Japan is one of the countries that has great attention to halal issues and Muslim-friendly tourism, because they (Japan) are visited by Muslim countries from Indonesia, the Middle East," he said.

Indonesia itself is trying to become a leading halal producer in the world.

Therefore, continued the Vice President, the government continues to establish synergies with all stakeholders both at home and abroad to encourage its acceleration, including with the Indonesian diaspora running a halal business.

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