
JAKARTA - Thousands of victims of the Pertamina Plumpang Depot fire were forced to evacuate in the shelters that had been provided. One of them is at the North Jakarta PMI office. Head of North Jakarta PMI Headquarters Nur Hasanudin said that so far there are 186 people from 50 family cards (KK) who have been forced to evacuate. However, this number decreased on the first day after the great fire incident. "Last time at 08.00 we updated, yes, there were 186 people from 50 families. (The decline) when compared to the first night there were almost 386 (the soul)," Hasanudin told reporters at the location, Monday, March 6. Hasanudin said that the food and beverage needs in his place were sufficient. Then for toilet facilities have also been fulfilled.

"For food and drinks, we have secured it for up to three or four days. There are several toilets that can be used, there was also assistance yesterday from the portable toilet Environment Sub-Department which can be seen on the front," he said. "Indeed, the hope from the community, the assistance is in the form of school clothes, diapers for toddlers and the elderly, then underwear for women, school uniforms and tools for prayer, that's what's lacking," he concluded.

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