
JAKARTA - A number of houses were flooded with a height of 20-70 centimeters in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan, due to overflowing river water caused by high rainfall.

One of the residents of Sungai Rangas Ulu Sabri Village in Banjar Regency, Sunday, said the second flood during 2023 was quite high.

"The flood here had receded even though there were only a few houses that were submerged on the main road," said Sabri, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

Sabri revealed that more than a week of flooding hit the area, but residents remained at home.

Based on observations, puddles still hit several locations, including access to the main road for local residents to carry out their activities.

In fact, motorcyclists who try to break through the water level must be assisted by residents because they broke down due to engine failure.

Residents also had time to argue with car drivers who accelerated high speed because they caused damage to the walls and glass of residents' houses affected by the flood.

Meanwhile, another resident of Barsiah revealed that Sungai Rangas Ulu Village is a flood subscription location every year.

"Actually, we don't need help in the form of food that we need. This is the attention of the local government to deal with puddles on the main road," said Barsiah.

It is known that the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Banjar Regency stated that 17,257 housing units spread over seven sub-districts in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan, were submerged due to flooding that had hit since one month ago with varying water levels.

The Chief Executive of the Banjar Warsita Regency BPBD said the figures were collected data from February 25 to March 4, 2023.

"The number of houses submerged in water as many as 17,257 houses includes 19,428 families spread over seven sub-districts, 99 villages and sub-districts with a total of 65,784 people affected," he said.

Warsita said a number of houses were flooded in seven sub-districts including Martapura reaching 5,309 housing units with various heights.

Then, East Martapura District (3,771 houses), Astambul (3,043 houses), Tabuk River (2,502 houses), West Martapura (2,227 houses), Karang Intan (236 houses), and Cintapuri (199 houses).

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