
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said that mainstream media and social media no longer have to compete. In fact, mainstream media can be a mentor for social media activists.

This was conveyed by Ganjar at the Peak of the Commemoration of National Press Day in 2023 at the Central Java Provincial Level and the 77th Anniversary of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), at the Gradhika Bhakti Praja Building, Friday (3/3/2023).

In the event, Ganjar raised an example of a case that went viral on social media involving minors who were victims. From social media too, netizens can investigate quickly.

"Even the KPK yesterday said 'halo netizens if you know an official whose wealth is placed here, show it'. wow," said Ganjar.

Mass media and social media, said Ganjar, today both have a strong role. The difference is, the mass media has ethics and regulated regulations.

"Well, today, I think these two must collaborate, so I convey that there is education," he said.

Ganjar said journalists and people in mainstream media or mass media could attract social media activists.

"I think they create content, then they become influencers, they need to learn from mainstream media as well. So that when they become content they also understand the ethics of understanding the rules and so on," he said.

The General Chair of Persada ID said that today the mass media had gone through a transition period from conventional to digital. In the future, said Ganjar, the collaboration between social media and the mass media will become a space for information to be spread more widely

Yang dulu hanya bergantung oplah, maka sekarang dia harus multiplatform sehingga informasi-informationnya bisa tersebar semakin banyak lagi. Kolaborasi hari ini penting untuk dilakukan dan semua harus belajar saling, tandasnya.

In the event, the Secretary of the Central PWI Honorary Council Sasongko and the Chairman of the Central Java PWI Amir Mahmud were present. In addition, the Mayor of Semarang, Hevearita G Rahayu, were also present.

Other participants came from academics including Unika Soegijapranata Chancellor Ferdinand Hindiarto, USM Supari Chancellor and Unwahas Chancellor Mudzakkir Ali. In addition, local PWI representatives in Central Java were also present.

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