
The Tamiang Aceh Police have uncovered a case of purchasing subsidized diesel fuel using dozens of jerry cans without official documents at gas stations in the Alur Bemban Village area, Karang Baru District, Aceh Tamiang Regency.

Aceh Tamiang Police Chief AKBP Muhammad Yanis through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Muhammad Isral in Karang Baru, Friday night stated that the two perpetrators were arrested with the initials J (39) and FA (27) residents of Alur Bemban Village, Karang Baru District.

"A total of eight 35-liter jerry cans that have been secured already contain subsidized diesel fuel. Meanwhile, 13 more jerry cans are still empty. The number of jerry cans confiscated is 21 pieces," said M Isral, Saturday, March 4, as reported by Antara.

From the hands of the perpetrators, a yellow truck with police number BL 8742 UL was also secured, as well as dozens of empty jerry cans and those that already contained diesel oil, as well as a one-meter-long suction hose.

Isral explained that the arrests of the two perpetrators of the subsidized fuel abuse occurred on Wednesday (1/3) at around 12:40 WIB. The perpetrator did not move when arrested by the police, while carrying a subsidized diesel, without any valid documents.

To trick the officers, he said, suspects J and FA bought diesel fuel filled into the truck's tank, then the subsidized diesel fuel was sucked back into the jerry can.

"The perpetrator admitted that he had bought diesel fuel at the Bemban Alur gas station Number 14 244 497 four times," he said.

The plan, said Isral, is that the subsidized diesel fuel will be resold to the public for profit. "When J and FA were secured they could not show any documents," he said.

The police have brought the two perpetrators to the Aceh Tamiang Police Headquarters for further questioning. "We will immediately send the case files, suspects and evidence to the public prosecutor (JPU)," he said.

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