
JAKARTA Army Chief of Staff Dudung Abdurachman responded to the fire incident that occurred in Pertamina Depot, North Jakarta. Dudung said the National Police, TNI and Basarnas had moved to contain the Pertamina Plumpang fire.

Earlier I went to the location, still searching. Hopefully hopefully it can be resolved and the situation there has been extinguished. It is still isolated, because there are still many officers who are carrying out the search. Dudung said in a short message, Friday, March 4.

Dudung explained that the fire incident is still in the process of being investigated by the police.

"I haven't received a report from the Regional Police Chief yet. But the Kapolda will explain later, of course, this needs data from the results of the investigation", he said.

Dudung said the victim immediately received treatment at the hospital.

Jenazah was immediately identified tonight. Yes, the process is direct at the hospital. kaa Dudung.

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