
JAKARTA - Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) will ask the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani to explain the RI Ombudsman report regarding the lack of recommendations for maladministration by the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu). "Explaining this is due to public complaints regarding the existence of maladministration on the existence of court decisions that have permanent legal force by Sri Mulyani and related parties," said Bamsoet as well as asking the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) RI to evaluate and examine in detail the reports or budget realization of each agency, including the Ministry of Finance. "Because of the potential maladministration reported by the public regarding the debt," he said. Previously, last Wednesday, the Ombudsman submitted a report to the relevant DPR and President Joko Widodo had not yet implemented a recommendation on maladministration actions by the Ministry of Finance. "As a form of implementation and compliance with the provisions of the legislation, namely Article 38 paragraph (4) of Law Number 37 of 2008 concerning the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, the Indonesian Ombudsman has reported to the DPR RI and the president," said Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman Mokhammad Najih at a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday.

The recommendation is related to the absence of a court decision with permanent legal force by Sri Mulyani and related parties. The issue of public reports contained in the Ombudsman's recommendation is that nine court decisions have not been implemented with permanent legal force which require the Ministry of Finance to pay a certain amount of money to the reporting community.

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