
EAST ACEH - Personnel from the East Aceh Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested three perpetrators of the alleged misuse of 1.5 tons of diesel fuel (BBM) in Idi Rayeuk, East Aceh Regency, Province, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Head of the East Aceh Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Arif Sukmo Wibowo said the arrests of the perpetrators were based on reports from the public who suspected that diesel filling was repeated at a public gas station (SPBU) in the city. The three perpetrators who were arrested on Thursday at around 16.30 WIB were PR (20) and SA, residents of Keude Aceh Village, Idi Rayeuk District, East Aceh Regency, and MA (29) residents of Keutapang Dua Village, Idi Rayeuk District, East Aceh Regency. Arif said that the community reported an open tub car with the police number BL 8199 DG several times filling subsidized fuel at the Seunebok Meuku gas station, East Idi District, East Aceh Regency. From this information, he said, the East Aceh Police Criminal Investigation Unit deployed a team of investigators and found that the car was filling the diesel at the gas station. Next, the team checked PR as a pickup truck driver. PR confession, he filled the subsidized fuel using a car with a modified tank that had been modified to load about 150 liters. Based on PR's confession, he said, the subsidized diesel fuel was taken to the warehouse belonging to the SA perpetrator who was in the Idi Rayeuk District, East Aceh Regency, so that the investigation team together with the PR perpetrator headed to the SA warehouse and arrested SA. "The team then checked the warehouse and found eight drums containing diesel fuel subsidized with a total of 1.5 tons," said Arif at Idi Rayeuk, Friday, He added that apart from securing PR and SA, the team also arrested MA, the operator of the Seunebok Meuku gas station, who helped fill the diesel into the pickup truck. "Meanwhile, the evidence that was secured were an open tub car of the Isuzu Panther type and eight drums containing diesel subsidies and a pump engine. The perpetrators and the evidence were secured at the East Aceh Police Headquarters," he said. The perpetrators, said Arif, could be subject to violations of Article 55 in conjunction with Article 40 of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning job creation for amendments to Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas with the threat of a sentence of six years in prison and a maximum fine of IDR 60 billion.

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