
JAKARTA - The PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) believes that the Central Jakarta District Court (PN) has no authority to decide on the postponement of the 2024 elections. Based on the Election Law, only the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) and the State Administrative Court (PTUN) have the right to make such a decision.

This statement was conveyed by PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto in response to the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court which won a civil lawsuit filed by the Adil Makmur People's Party (Prima).

"The PDI Perjuangan also caught the strangeness of the Central Jakarta District Court decision considering that the court does not have authority regarding the dispute submitted by Prima," said Hasto in his written statement, Thursday, March 2.

Hasto also said that PDIP Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri had heard of the decision. He has even conducted consultations on the party's stance.

As a result, said Hasto, every election-related decision must be based on existing laws. In fact, the judicial review that was rejected by the Constitutional Court regarding the extension of the presidential term and the postponement of the election should be a reference.

Thus, the party with the bull symbol supports the General Elections Commission (KPU) to continue with the existing election stages. "On the basis of the Constitutional Court's decision, various efforts to postpone the election are constitutional," he said.

"The PDI Perjuangan has a very strong attitude, obeys the constitution, and supports the KPU so that the elections run on time. That's why Ms. Megawati emphasized that the KPU should continue with all stages of the election," continued Hasto.

Moreover, from the results of an internal analysis of the PDIP DPP, it turned out that Prima had already filed a lawsuit with the Bawaslu and Administrative Court and was rejected. This means that the KPU's decision against them not to pass to the next stage is correct.

In addition, there are several other analyzes including the absence of the Central Jakarta District Court's authority to adjudicate disputes over the determination of political parties participating in elections.

"That's why the KPU's stance in deciding on an appeal was very clear and correct and supported by the PDI Perjuangan," he said.

Furthermore, PDIP asked the Judicial Commission (KY) to intervene to investigate the anomaly in the decision that was tapped by the Central Jakarta District Court. They must check whether there is an abuse of the authority of the panel of judges.

"So according to the direction of the General Chairperson, PDI Perjuangan, in order to protect the constitution and democratic mechanisms periodically through the 5 yearly General Election, rejects all forms of postponing the Election or extending the term of office," concluded Hasto.

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