
YOGYAKARTA - The defendant Linda Pujiastuti alias Anita Cepu conveyed a surprising statement in the drug case trial. The confession of anita Cepu at the trial dragged a number of members of the National Police, one of whom was the former West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Teddy Minahasa.

Anita Cepu even claimed to be the wife of Siri Inspector General Teddy Minahasa. In fact, he said he often slept with Teddy on the ship while on a mission to catch drug trafficking in the South China Sea.

However, Anita Cepu's statement at the West Jakarta District Court (PN) was denied by Inspector General Teddy Minahasa. So what are Anita Cepu's confessions to bring up her relationship with Inspector General Teddy?

Anita Cepu was present as a witness to the crown in the trial of the sale of methamphetamine evidence that ensnared Inspector General Teddy Minahasa. Anita gave a number of confessions that quite surprised many parties in several trials. The following are the confessions of the defendant Anita Cepu at the West Jakarta District Court.

Anita Cepu admitted that she had a special relationship with Inspector General Teddy Minahasa. He made this statement when questioned by the judge at trial.

Anita said she knew Inspector General Teddy at the Classic Hotel, Jakarta, in 2013. Anita admitted that the relationship between the two of them had been cut off, until she met again in 2019.

"We have a noble special relationship," Anita told the judge at the West Jakarta District Court.

Anita Cepu again gave a more surprising confession in the follow-up trial. Anita said that she was the wife of Siri from Inspector General Teddy.

"I am the wife of Mr. Teddy Minahasa's sir even though he did not admit it," said Anita in front of the panel of judges.

Anita Cepu also revealed that she often sleeps with Inspector General Teddy Minahasa. Anita admitted that the bed relationship with the two-bintag general was carried out during a surveillance of drug trafficking in the South China Sea.

"I do have a relationship with Mr. Teddy even though he doesn't admit it, we are on the bed every day together," said Anita.

Inspector General Teddy Minahasa dismissed all confessions made by Anita Cepu. Inspector General Teddy stated that the case was an attempt to trap the defendant Anita Cepu.

However, Anita Cepu denied the statement from Inspector General Teddy. Anita felt that the case could not be a trap. The reason is because so far his relationship with Inspector General Teddy has been fine.

"I really object that this is a trap, I have no problem with Mr. Teddy. When I went to the Chinese Sea and I never had a fight," said Anita.

Anita also said that she had apologized for the failure of the arrest operation sourced from the information.

"I was sorry, he answered it's okay next time if there is another project, we'll just do it looking for something easy until we finally go to Taiwan," said Anita.

The judge asked Anita CEpu about her job background. Anita Cepu replied that she was a cousin or a police informant. Anita admitted to the judge that she often provided information to police officers. Especially for information about drug trafficking from abroad.

That's a review of Anita Cepu's confession at the Court. The information given by Anita regarding her relationship with Inspector General Teddy shocked the public. Teddy himself admitted that he had known Anita at the Classic Hotel since 2005 when he often spared with his friends.

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