
TANGERANG Floods in Tanjung Burung, Teluk Naga, Tangerang Regency claimed victims. Three teenage boys died after being electrocuted when the flood hit their area. The three male victims were Jamaludin (22), Syaeful (18) and Arya (20), they were still within the family sphere even though they were not brothers.

The three were electrocuted by his wife while repairing a water pump in his house which was damaged during the flood with a water level of 1 meter.

Head of BPBD Tangerang Regency, Ujat Sudrajat, confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Thursday, March 2, in the morning.

3 people were electrocuted. Died. But cousines have ties, but different families. " said Ujat in his statement, Thursday, March 2.

Ujat explained that the incident began when the rain had flushed the area since Wednesday, March 1, at night. The rain that hit since Wednesday night, March 1 caused the area to experience flooding as high as 1 meter.

"Heavy rain on the night so that water was inundated and caused flooding 50-100 centimeters," he said.

Ujat said, even though he was inundated with water, the three victims actually tried to tidy up the water pump in his house. Finally, they were electrocuted and died at the place of the incident (TKP).

"Because the victim's suspicions were in the water so that his soul could not be saved and died on the spot and now he has been buried," he concluded.

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