
SURABAYA - The East Java Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) dispatched the KRI Malahayati 362 to transport logistical assistance for the people on Masalembu Island, Sumenep Regency. This was done because Masalembu Island experienced a shortage of food supplies due to recent bad weather.

"This bad weather has occurred in the last few days, causing quite high waves. As a result, logistics shipments using ordinary ships cannot be continued, or in other words, they cannot operate," said East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa, accompanied by the East Java Forkopimda on the sidelines of releasing logistics transported by KRI Malahayati 362 at Central Madura Pier Koarmada II Surabaya, Wednesday, March 1.

The ship belonging to the Indonesian Navy will travel for about 14 hours and is expected to anchor east of Masalembu Island at around 06.00 WIB on Thursday, March 2, 2023. This anchor was carried out because based on reports, the waves at Masalembu pier reached a height of around 1-1 .5 meters, so ships cannot lean on the pier.

KRI Malahayati 362 brought assistance from the East Java Provincial Government and Forkopimda in the form of a total of 2,000 liters of cooking oil (2-liter packaging), 700 cans of sardines, 10,000 pcs of instant noodles.

Then 15 tons of rice, 5 tons of granulated sugar, and 300 cylinders of 3kg LPG.

"The release of this logistical assistance is a quick response and commitment from the ranks of the East Java Forkopimda, to immediately send logistical assistance to the people on Masalembu Island, Sumenep Regency," she said.

Khofifah admitted that she and the ranks of the East Java Forkopimda, namely the East Java Regional Police Chief, Pangkoarmada II, Military Commander V Brawijaya, and East Java High Court, would continue to ensure that the people on Masalembu Island received good logistical assistance.

"We, together with the ranks of the East Java Forkopimda, want to provide logistical assistance to our brothers and sisters in Masalembu who are experiencing a shortage of food supplies due to high waves in recent days," she said.

According to her, this togetherness is part of Forkopimda East Java's commitment to be able to give greetings to the people of Masalembu, who have had logistical difficulties in recent days due to quite high waves.

"Please pray that all trips will be smooth, safe, and secure and can be distributed to all people in need," she said.

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