
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) released the results of a survey showing the level of public satisfaction with the performance of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reaching 76 percent.

"Yang pada Februari ini, dibanding sebulan lalu itu angka di 75,9 persen, dan itu kalau dibandingkan dengan Januari tidak mengalami perubahan yang berarti saja, tetap di angka yang cukup baik di angka 76 persen," kata Direktur Eksekutif LSI Djayadi Hanan, di Jakarta, Rabu 1 Maret, disitat Antara.

He explained that there were several reasons that led to the high level of public satisfaction with Jokowi's performance. First, public evaluation of the law continues to improve. Tren of conditions for national law enforcement continues to improve. Now the figure reaches 35 percent, after previously 32.6 percent in January 2023," said Djayadi. In addition to the condition of law enforcement that continues to improve, continued Djayadi, the high level of public satisfaction with Jokowi's performance is also motivated by economic conditions. According to him, 24.6 percent assessed the condition of the national economy in good condition. The public's evaluation of the law that continues to improve, as well as the economy, contributes to the high public satisfaction with President Jokowi's performance, said Djayadi.LSI conducted a poll of opinion on 1,228 respondents via telephone. The survey was conducted on 10-17 February 2023, with a confidence level of 95 percent.

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