
YOGYAKARTA Warganet highlighted the row of vehicles for Jogja Customs officials that went viral on Twitter social media. The official was highlighted because he often showed off his wealth in the form of big motorbikes (moge), antique cars, and new cars. The official showed off his luxurious lifestyle via his personal Instagram, @eko_darmanto_bc.

The official is the Head of the Yogyakarta Special Region Customs and Excise Office, Eko Darmanto. He went viral with the Hedon Customs hashtag on Twitter.

Previously, the Instagram account @eko_darmanto_bc could be viewed freely among Instagram users. Unfortunately, now the account cannot be seen anymore. However, screenshots showing the contents of Eko's Instagram gallery are widely circulated on social media.

In the screenshot that was circulating, Eko not only showed off expensive vehicles but also appeared to be wearing luxury branded goods at fantastic prices. He even showed his photo near the Cessna type plane. However, it is not certain whether the plane is owned by Eko or not.

Eko is recorded as owning 9 luxury and antique vehicles. The cheapest car he owns is IDR 150 million. The following is a list of vehicles belonging to Eko Darmanto.

Eko Darmanto's wealth as a Yogyakarta Customs and Excise official was recorded in the 2021 State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN). In the LHKPN, Eko's nine cars are listed as having their own results. In addition, the big motorbike (moge) that Eko appears to be riding in is not on the list.

It should also be noted that the nine cars above have contributed more than 40 percent of his total wealth with a value of Rp. 2.9 billion.

According to records, Eko has a wealth of Rp. 15.7 billion with a debt of Rp. 9 billion. Thus, Eko's net worth is Rp. 6.7 billion. Most of Eko's assets are in the form of land and buildings worth Rp. 12.5 billion. In addition, there are means of transportation and machinery for Rp. 2.9 billion, other movable assets of Rp. 100.7 million, cash and cash equivalents of Rp. 238,904,391.

The viral luxury and lifestyle of Hedon Eko has been highlighted after the case of echelon III official of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) Rafael Alun Sambodo surfaced.

Regarding the spotlight obtained by Eko Darmanto, the Ministry of Finance spokesman Yustinus Prastowo informed that photos of Eko's assets and vehicles have been forwarded to the Ministry of Finance General (Itjen) and will be of concern to the agency.

"Ready Bang, thank you, sorry for just returning from fieldwork. I have forwarded this information to the Inspector General of the Ministry of Finance. It has attracted the attention of the leadership," Yustinus wrote on Twitter when replying to a netizen's report, Tuesday, February 28.

In addition to the viral row of vehicles for Jogja customs officials, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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