
JAKARTA - The hashtag #StopkriminalizedHelmut has gone viral in the last few days on Twitter. Trending of the hashtag after the Chairman of Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso voiced a number of facts about the incompatibility of the SOP and the investigation process handled by the National Police in the case experienced by Helmut Hermawan in the PT CLM case. "The National Police Chief must remove the Dirkrimsus Polda Sulsel Kombes Helmi Kwarta Kusuma Putra for the abuse of the authority to investigate because he acted arbitrarily, aka dark eyes "Call me to be a witness in the case of the President Director of PT CLM Helmut Hermawan," said Sugeng in a statement to reporters, Wednesday, March 1. According to him, the removal had to be done because Kombes Helmi Kwarta Kusuma Putra had betrayed the words of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo who stated that anyone who dared to criticize the police would become a friend of the National Police Chief. The criticism is needed because the National Police Chief wants to provide space to the public and also wants to know what is in the minds of the community about the police. At the same time, give the public room to know what the public thinks about the police. According to Sugeng, the National Police Chief was also taught to his members so that they could find out what the community felt and improve it for the better. As information on the summons of IPW Chairman Sugeng Teguh Santoso as a witness in the Helmut Hermawan case who was arrested and detained by the South Sulawesi Police Ditreskrimsus since February 23, 2023 and related to the release of IPW February 23, 2023, it is inconsequential and a form of panic facing pressure. IPW according to its releases officially issued by its chairman, Sugeng Teguh Santoso is acting as a police performance monitor, including the alleged abuse of authority including the Dirkrimsus Polda Sulsel. The role of real, unprofessionalism and abuse of the authority of the Dirkrimsus Polda Sulsel Kombes Helmi Kwarta Kusuma Putra to the police report by Police number: LP/A/421/XI/2022/DITKRIMSUS/SPKT POLDA SOUTH SULAWESI dated November 16, 2022. While the model A report was immediately raised on the same day on November 16, 2022 with the sprindik number: Sp. Sidik/84.a./XI/2022/Ditreskrimsus. However, with a report to the National Police Propam, one of them is about the similarity of the date of the police report with the increase in fingerprints by the South Sulawesi Regional Police Ditkrimsus made the director a "flood" so a new sprindik was made Number: Sp.Sidik/84.a.1/I/2023/Ditreskrimsus, dated January 30, 2023. This is a form of trick in handling the case of annexing the nickel mining business of PT. CLM, which originally belonged to Helmut Hermawan and was confiscated by Zainal Abidinsyah Siregar's camp. Sugeng's summons Teguh Santoso as a witness in LP Number: LP/A/421/XI/2022/DITKRIMSUS/SPKT POLDA SOUTH SULAWESI dated November 16, 2022 is not appropriate at all because it contradicts the Criminal Procedure Code. Moreover, the reference for a request for information based on the release of IPW 23 February 2023 which contains the institutional attitude of IPW criticizing the alleged abuse of the authority of the Dirkrimsus Polda Sulsel. The summons were given the title of the first summons, meaning that it could be suspected that Sugeng Teguh Santoso was not present, the authority would be played with the second summons, which if not attended would be forcibly picked up just to intimidate the party summoned. The witness is the person who will provide information about the facts of the crime incident according to the tempus and locus as well as the events. Meanwhile, Sugeng Teguh Santoso was not at the place and time or involved in the incident in the LP Number: LP/A/421/XI/2022/DITKRIMSUS/SPKT POLDA SULSEL dated November 16, 2022. "For this reason, my summons as a witness is very inconsequential and allegedly abuse of authority as well as evidence of alleged criminalization that is always used by Dirkrimsus in this case," he said.

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