
SERANG The husband with the initials DK (55) was arrested by the Bayah Police of the Lebak Police after slashing his wife, SN (37) using a machete. As a result, the victim suffered a number of injuries, his finger was cut off. The incident occurred in West Bayah Village, Bayah District, Lebak Regency, Banten, Tuesday, February 28, at around 09.00 WIB.

Lebak Deputy Chief of Police, Kompol Arya Fitri Kurniawan, explained that SN and his wife were involved in a commotion at his house.

"Tuesday (February 28) at around 09.00 am, the victim used to do his job of buying and selling angora cat. However, this activity has been repeatedly banned by the perpetrator (his husband). However, the victim refused and was angry. There was an argument or argument," Arya said in a written statement, Tuesday, February 28.

Then, Arya continued, SN's husband went to take a machete and immediately slashed his wife with her right hand several times, precisely on the terrace in front of her house.

"The victim fled to the street and continued to be chased by the perpetrator until the victim was caught and then stabbed again using a machete several times which resulted in the victim suffering 16 stab wounds to the neck, head, shoulders, back, face and right hand which resulted in the victim's two fingers breaking," explained Arya.

The victim finally fell lying on the side of the road badly injured and bleeding.

"The perpetrator then fled and members of the Bayah Police along with residents managed to arrest the perpetrators," added Arya.

Officers managed to confiscate a machete and a shirt used by the victim.

"Currently, the perpetrators are being detained at the Lebak Police for further investigation because the case will be processed by the Lebak Police Satreskrim and the victim is currently being treated intensively at the Adjidarmo Rangkasbitung Hospital," said Arya.

The perpetrator is subject to Article 44 paragraph (1) of Law no. 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence and or Article 351 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code with a threat of 5 years in prison.

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