
Governor Ganjar Pranowo disbursed a grant of Rp148 billion from the Central Java APBD for 2,230 recipients. Ganjar advised the recipient to be careful in managing finances and recordings must be done well.

This was conveyed by Ganjar at the Socialization of the Use of Grant Funds, Strengthening Integrity for Government Apparatus and grant recipients at the Gradhika Bhakti Praja Building, Tuesday, February 28. Grant fund recipients include community organizations, vertical agencies and political parties.

"We ask that every mass organization can carry out its function properly. Because this is approaching the year the atmosphere is warming, we ask for help so that mass organizations can participate in maintaining conduciveness," said Ganjar in his statement.

Ganjar hopes that grant recipients can share how to manage finances. Because, said Ganjar, the management of grant funds is often problematic.

"Governance in the use of grant funds, often the existing grant funds are a problem. So today we invite the KPK, the prosecutor's office and the inspectorate so that all of them will help to guard it," he said.

The former member of the DPR RI hopes that all grant recipients will actively ask questions. Moreover, in 2023 the recipients will increase.

"We give opportunities for those who will use it, if their friends don't understand how to record, use and report, we will accompany them. So that the benefits will be better," he said.

Details of grant recipients, including the Central Java Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) amounting to Rp600 million, the Central Java NU Muslimat Regional Leadership amounting to Rp400 million, the Central Java Nationalization Disbursement Forum amounting to Rp250 million, and the Mulya Sendangmulyo Amanah Foundation amounting to Rp200 million.

Then, Central Java Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) Rp250 million, Central Java Muhammadiyah Youth PD Rp50 million, Central Java LVRI DPD Rp70 million, Central Java Indonesian Kindergarten Organizing Association Rp120 million, and Central Java Organizational Cooperation Agency Rp250 million.

Ganjar also handed over grant funds for nine political parties. Ganjar handed over a grant to political parties amounting to Rp33.9 billion.

Present at the event were the Head of Task Force 1 of the Directorate of Socialization and Campaign of the Indonesian KPK, Adhi Setyo Tamtomo, and Kasi A for Intelligence at the Central Java High Prosecutor's Office, Bangun Setya Budi.

For information, the number of grant funds in 2023 increased by 1,586 recipients. Meanwhile, in 2022 there were only 644 recipient institutions. Thus, in 2023 the total grant funds provided were 2,230 recipient institutions.

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