AG's Conditions Are Decreased, Legal Counsel Calls It The Result Of News In The Media
AG's Attorney, Mangata Toding Allo At KPAI/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI


JAKARTA In addition to explaining the purpose of his visit to the Office of the Child Protection Commission (KPAI), AG witness AG's attorney, Mangata Toding Allo also informed that his client's condition is currently slumped and unstable. According to Mangata, it was due to the heavy news in the media about him.

"The status of AG is still a child witness until now. AG's condition is indeed very bad, with the reports. (AG's psychological condition) is decreasing," Manggato Toding Allo told reporters at the KPAI office, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, February 28.

Manggato did not specify his arrival at KPAI. Whose presence at the KPAI office asked for protection from witness AG for the incident by Mario Dandy Satrio.

"This meeting was a follow-up to our letter on February 24 (February) yesterday to ask for supervision and protection from witness AG child," Mangata told reporters at KPAI, Tuesday, February 28, afternoon.

"We hope that KPAI can assist and supervise the witness of AG's child in the investigation process or the judicial process in the future," he said.

He also asked the public to give AG child witnesses the opportunity to get the same place and right to reveal the facts together.

"Give us the same space and position for us to reveal the facts according to the BAP that were examined and according to the available evidence," he said.

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