
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo hopes that the National Strategic Project (PSN) can have a positive impact on economic growth in Central Java. Ganjar hopes that the existence of the Solo-Yogyakarta Toll Road can be captured as an opportunity and used to improve the economy in Central Java.

"Hopefully, if that's the way, we will have to use it and take advantage of it so that economic growth will be much higher, much faster," said Ganjar after reviewing the construction of the Solo-Yogyakarta toll road with PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimoeljono and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Monday 27 February.

Ganjar emphasized that the use of PSN that had been built in Central Java must be done well. Do not let the infrastructure that has been built be in vain because you do not know the theory and how to use it.

"That's right, if we can't use it, it's useless. This is what we will also encourage," he explained.

Based on data from the State Asset Management Institute (LMAN), the largest realization of the PSN budget sourced from the APBN is Central Java Province. Furthermore, in second place is West Java and in third place is the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

"The biggest realization in 2022 is the province of Central Java, reaching a total of IDR 3.68 trillion, it comes from the APBN for PSN. West Java is second in rank with IDR 3.6 trillion, DIY is third in rank," said LMAN President Director Basuki Purwadi while accompanying Ganjar Pranowo, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, and Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimoeljono.

He explained that nationally the realization of the PSN budget which had been running until February 2023 was worth IDR 1.28 trillion. He hopes that the realization of the PSN budget provided through LMAN for this year can be faster.

"February 2023, IDR 1.28 trillion has been realized (nationally). Hopefully, it will be faster. Most of the toll roads are IDR 1.116 trillion, then IDR 150 billion for dams," said Basuki Purwadi.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati added that the data mentioned was only the APBN provided through LMAN alone. In addition, there is also a budget sourced from the APBN provided to accelerate PSN through BUMN. The use of the APBN for PSN is a form of support from the Ministry of Finance so that PSN which has an important role for the community, welfare, and the economy can be resolved quickly.

"Infrastructure is the lifeblood of the economy. It determines the competitiveness, productivity, and progress of a nation in terms of the economy. We will continue to provide support for various programs and projects that have been designated as PSN," said Ganjar Pranowo.

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