
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has stated that the One Healthy platform will be focused on being the main platform that will be used in providing health services to Indonesians in the future. One of them can store the medical records of the community.

"We make sure that this platform becomes a kind of toll road where there are many entrances from various parties. For example, the community, health workers, maybe the government from other directorates will also have the same benefits from this One Healthy platform," said Deputy Chief Digital Transformation Office (DTO) of the Ministry of Health Agus Rachmanto as quoted by ANTARA, Monday 27 February.

Platform Satu Sehat merupakan salah satu cara Kemenkes mengintegrasikan data rekam medis pasien di fasilitas kesehatan ke dalam satu platform Indonesia Health Services. Platform ini merupakan pernyataan dari pilar ke enam transformasi sistem kesehatan yaitu pilar transformasi teknologi kesehatan.

Agus said that the presence of One Healthy can allow all parties to experience more compact and comfortable health services.

"In the past, there were many applications that had to be accessed by health workers in the field, now all data can be inputted to the same platform as the same standards," he said.

With the same standards, it is hoped that not a single data in the government will be used irresponsibly by other parties.

All the stored data, has been neatly arranged so that people do not need to carry documents, in the form of paper that has the possibility of being lost or scattered somewhere.

Medical record data can also be accessed by each individual as a "armed" for treatment at other health facilities. Because it includes a person's life history, it is easier for doctors to provide recommendations that match each data in detail.

According to him, because it will accommodate personal medical record data, the Ministry of Health will also cooperate with around 9,000 health facilities spread throughout Indonesia and several other vertical hospitals in building One Healthy.

"Around November-December 2022, we have taken a roadshow to hospitals on the island of Java-Bali. We also invite and collect health system developers," he said.

Agus said that the construction of the One Healthy platform had been planned for a long time. However, it is difficult to develop because the rules are still being discussed and constrained by inadequate technological facilities.

But entering 2023, the various legal and technological foundations needed have been declared ready to serve the community. Thus, 2023 should not be missed to prepare a more massive health service platform and be ready to protect the public from various other forms of the pandemic in the future.

On that occasion Agus appealed that medical record data is a very private document. Even though he has collaborated with related parties, he asked the public to participate in maintaining confidentiality and consciously not to make transactions that have the potential to leak data.

The Ministry of Health cannot personally maintain data security. It takes the role of the community to maintain the security of its own data. Of course, there will still be risks, but whenever the risk is how we can act faster to secure the data," he said.

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