
West Java - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bekasi Regency noted that the flood-affected areas in the area were widespread to 73 points. Initially, the flood point in Bekasi Regency was only 42 points.

Head of BPBD Bekasi Regency Muchlis said the floods that inundated the 73 points had varying heights, ranging from 10 to 70 centimeters or cm.

"The number of flood points has increased to 73 with 31 villages affected," he said in Cikarang, Bekasi Regency, Monday, February 27, as reported by Antara.

He said the 73 flood points were spread over 11 sub-districts, including Karang Bahagia District with a water level of 50-70 centimeters, Babelan 30-40 centimeters, Sukatani 30-65 centimeters, and North Cikarang District as high as 30-70 centimeters.

Then Sukakarya District as high as 50-60 centimeters, North Tambun 20-40 centimeters, Kedungwaringin 10-20 centimeters, Tambelang 30-40 centimeters, Tarumajaya 30-70 centimeters, Sukawangi, 40-60 centimeters and East Cikarang District which began to gradually recede.

Muchlis said that flooding in his area had been caused by high-intensity rain since last weekend plus overflowing river water in several locations.

"The intensity of the rain is high, then the river overflow in the Ulu River and Ciherang River flows. In addition, some are caused by the breakdown of the Kali Rahmi embankment and an unfavorable drainage system," he said.

At the end of last week, floods inundated six sub-districts in the area but not long after, the number of affected areas increased to nine sub-districts with a total of 42 flood points.

BPBD Bekasi Regency continues to collect data, evacuate, as well as distribute logistical assistance to affected residents in collaboration with related regional devices.

"In addition, we also established an age kitchen with the Bekasi Regency Social Service and coordinated with the Health Office (Dinkes) and the Puskesmas," he said.

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