
Dozens of officers from the Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. are still struggling to extinguish the fire at the fire site for residential areas in the Jalan Tanah Abang 5, RT 03/05 area, Petojo Selatan Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta.

"Objek yang terbakar rumah penduduk. Saat ini masih dilakukan proses pemadamkan kebakaran. Kita mengerpakan 64 personel petugas ke lokasi," kata Kasudin Gulkarmat Jakarta Pusat, Asril Rizal kepada wartawan, Minggu, 26 Februari.

While the impact of the fire, electricity in some of the residents' housing has been extinguished to avoid fire propagation and electrical short circuits. The fire continued to burn until Sunday night.

The cause of the fire is not certain. Until now, officers are still focused on the process of extinguishing the fire.

"The cause is still being investigated," he said.

The officers also have not recorded any injuries or other results from the fire.

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