
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) read and suspected that the National Mandate Party Election Winning Coordination (PAN) strategy in Central Java for the malay of the figure of the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo whose name is often mentioned will be the presidential candidate in 2024. "So last night I was wondering why, this is why the National Coordination Meeting of PAN winnings, why in Central Java. The answer I already have now, the answer is already having. This strategy, this is a strategy, already. Approaching Mr. Ganjar (Pranowo). Approaching the regent, mayor, presented all of them, "Jokowi said as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, February 26. According to Jokowi, PAN's step is correct, namely in terms of trying opportunities to form a coalition or work together. He emphasized cooperation in politics is very important to bring together national unity and integrity. Once again cooperation is important, the coalition is important, don't choose the coalition. The most important thing is to strengthen our national cooperation so that our unity is maintained, our unity is maintained," he explained. He gave an example, during eight years of government work in a close coalition of political parties, many positive changes have occurred in Indonesia, for example in terms of development. Let me show what the shift is, what kind of change it was. In the past, development was always Java-centric. Infrastructure was built almost 70 percent always in Java, then we shifted it to an Indonesia-centric one," he explained. He said that with the existence of an Indonesia-centric, then the infrastructure development that has spent a budget worth Rp. 3,309 trillion, can be evenly distributed.Then the shift occurred because the infrastructure is ready, for example, airports, already ready outside Java. Associated to industrial areas of plantation areas, agricultural areas, tourism areas, then the investment became shifted, he said. He said that the comparison of Java and outside Java development was 70 percent compared to 30 percent. At this time it changed to 53 percent of development there are large countries.Remember this country is large. Now our population is already 282 million people, living in 17,000 islands. The Lha kok that are being done in Java, he is continuing to do? This is the shift that he previously said, "explainly

On that occasion, Jokowi also reminded that politics should not divide the nation, so there must be cooperation between political parties in all aspects of nationality for the sake of unity and integrity and the progress of the nation. "So indeed in politics, if the so-called cooperation is mandatory, don't let politics divide us," added Jokowi.

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