
JAKARTA - The case of violence against minors with the suspect Mario Dandy Satrio (30), one of the children of the South Jakarta Directorate General of Taxes, received special attention from a number of Indonesian politicians. In fact, not a few of them have given their support to South Jakarta Metro Police investigators to immediately reveal the case to completion.

According to the Chairman of the Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso, support by members of the Indonesian House of Representatives and officials of the Minister of Religion and other parties is a good thing. But that support must also be made to other cases experienced by ordinary citizens.

"However, it is even better if members of the DPR and these officials also pay the same attention when there are victims of injustice experienced by the poor, the poor, the marginalized society," said IPW Chairman Sugeng Teguh to VOI, Sunday, February 26.

However, IPW appreciates the steps taken by DPR Commission III members who went directly to the South Jakarta Metro Police to provide support to the Police to uncover the case. IPW also appreciates the actions of the Minister of Religion on the victim David, the son of the central management of GP Anshor.

"The police must investigate legally and procedurally. On the other hand, the rights of the suspects (MDS and S) must also be protected," he said.

The two suspects Mario Dandy Satrio and Shane have been named Article 76C in conjunction with Article 80 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, subsidiary to Article 351 of the Criminal Code concerning persecution.

Previously, it was reported that the case of abuse by Mario Dandy Satrio, the son of the South Jakarta Directorate General of Taxes, continued to emerge. Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR RI, Ahmad Sahroni also visited the South Jakarta Police Headquarters, to take a closer look at the handling of this case.

"Seeing the viral case related to the suspect Mario (MDS) and I went directly to the Police Chief, this is an extraordinary thing," said Sahroni at the South Jakarta Police, Friday, February 24.

Sahroni also appreciated the Kapolda and the South Jakarta Police Chief in responding to the process of investigating the case.

"The South Jakarta Police Chief and the South Jakarta Police Chief responded to the speed in the case which is currently under investigation. The parties have been investigated. Hopefully this will be fast for further steps," he said.

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