
JAKARTA The Jeep Rubicon car used by Mario Dandy Satrio to meet David is still being secured at the South Jakarta Police. After being investigated by the police, the documents of the luxury car turned out to be problematic.

As previously known, Mario Dandy Satrio has changed the Jeep Rubicon number plate to B 120 DEN. Not in accordance with the original number, namely B 2571 PBP.

Based on Article 263 of the Criminal Code (Kitab Law), users of vehicles installed with fake number plates can be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of six years.

In addition, the use of fake number plates intersects with Law no. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary confirmed the change in police number for Jeep Rubicon brought by Mario Dandy Satrio.

"What we found was the fact that the use of police numbers was not in accordance with their designation. We have found the original police number, the STNK was based on a physical check examination conducted by the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya", said Kombes Ade Ary at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Friday night, February 24.

As evidence in the case of David's persecution, the son of GP management Ansor, the police secured the black Jeep Rubicon.

"Then, we have secured all the evidence", he said.

Then is Mario Dandy Satrio caught in the forgery article?

"We focus on violence against children." short Kombes Ade.

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