
The South Jakarta Metro Police have not yet named a woman with the initials AG, the lover of the MDS suspect as a suspect. Until now, AG is still a witness, and the examination process has been completed at the South Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim on Friday, February 24, afternoon.

"Until now, his status is a witness. ( WILL AG be a suspect?) We don't think that. At the time of the incident, AG did not record violence," said South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Friday, February 24, evening.

In fact, in the action, it was AG who brought the suspect MDS together with victim D on the grounds that he wanted to return D's student card.

"Based on the results of the examination, the student card (true) is with AG," he said.

However, at AG's initiative to bring MDS together with victim D, there was an act of violence experienced by victim D until it was critical.

"While at the TKP, AG had conveyed to MDS and D to resolve this problem properly," he said.

The reason investigators did not name AG as a suspect was because after the incident of the abuse of victim D, according to other witness statements, AG had helped the victim.

"From the testimony of the initial witness N who helped the victim, AG (had) put the victim on the lap of AG. Witness N asked AG to help raise the head (victim D) so that the flow of blood did not enter the nose," he explained.

Until now, the AG investigation process has been completed by investigators from the South Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit. The police only named two suspects in this case, namely the MDS and S suspects, his colleagues.

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