
JAKARTA - The Tarakanita Foundation and SMA Tarakanita 1 Jakarta have spoken to confirm that Agnes Gracia Haryanto is listed as a student of Class X of SMA Tarakanita I Jakarta. Agnes is a female friend of Mario Dandy Satrio, a suspect in the persecution of David, the son of one of the Ansor GP administrators. The school stated that it really respects and supports the ongoing legal process in this case so that justice can be upheld. As a consequence, the school will take action in accordance with the rules. "That the student concerned has been taken action according to school rules and taking into account the related law, among others, regarding child protection," was quoted from the school's official statement signed by Sr. Wauleita, CB, M.Pd, Head of SMA Tarakanita 1, Friday, 24 February. In the letter, the school also expressed deep concern over The acts of violence experienced by David Latumahina, and also prayed for his recovery. "That violence is not part of Tarakanita's values so Tarakanita does not tolerate acts of bullying in any form by students either in the school environment or outside the school.

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