
JAKARTA - Heavy rains that flushed the Jakarta area and its surroundings caused 6 floodgates in the Jakarta area to be alert or alert 3 floods.

Based on data from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of DKI Jakarta Province, Friday, February 24, at 12.00 WIB, as many as 5 floodgates were in alert status or Alert 3 was flooded in Jakarta.

The six floodgates are Manggarai with a water level of 795 centimeters (TMA), Karet 450 centimeters, Angke Hulu 220 centimeters, Pasar Ikan 190 centimeters, and Pintu Air Pulo Gadung with a TMA of 560 centimeters.

Meanwhile, in the upstream area of Ciliwung, Bogor and Depok areas, the flow of water is still normal. TMA Katulampa Dam until Friday afternoon was only 60 centimeters and Depok was 140 centimeters.

Head of Katulampa Dam Andi Sudirman said that the increase in TMA at several floodgates in Jakarta was not a shipment of water from upstream Ciliwung in Bogor, but from local rain around Jakarta and Rob's water from sea water.

"3 floodgates are alert or alert 3 due to local rain in Jakarta. Meanwhile, the Fish Market Water Gate is due to tidal flooding in the sea," Andi told confirmed, Friday, February 24.

For this reason, he also appealed to the people along the banks and downstream of the Ciliwung river in the Jakarta area to remain vigilant.

Meanwhile, the Cileungsi-Cikeas river basin (DAS) leading Bekasi and its surroundings is still reported to be normal. TMA upstream of Cileungsi was recorded at 60 centimeters, Hulu Cikeas was 150 centimeters, and the meeting point was at Bojong Kulur Water Gate, TMA was 250 centimeters.

Andi explained that the TMA Ciliwung and Cileungsi-Cikeas could have gone up because the rainfall upstream would still occur until Friday night.

"Based on BMKG data, the weather in Jabodetabek still has the opportunity to rain until Friday night. So people along the river must be vigilant," added Andi.

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