
JAKARTA - The Twitter account @HazHasibuan was boarding with netizens after tweeting tilted towards Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas. As usual, after being arrogant with his thumbs up, @HazHasibuan immediately apologized. Recently, the profile photo on his account has also been changed to black. "Yth. Bp. Yaqut C. Qoumas @ YaqutCQoumas, sincerely from the bottom of my heart, I apologize for my tweet quote in my father's post, which made a lot of noise and hurt the feelings of many parties. I'm willing to forgive. God willing, this will not happen again and become a muhasabah for me," wrote the account as seen by VOI, Thursday, February 23. The case began when Minister of Religion Yaqut uploaded a photo of himself visiting victims of abuse by the son of an official of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance. The victim, known as David, is in a coma lying in the hospital. Seen in the photo, the Minister of Religion wearing batik clothes was looking down and wiping the victim's forehead. "A cadre's son, my son too. Note this!" wrote Minister of Religion Yaqut. Davir's father is one of the management of GP Ansor. By @HazHasibuan, the Minister of Religion's tweet was responded to tilted. "Ever ***** **** with the wife of a Qut cadre," he wrote. Later this tweet was deleted by @HazHasibuan. Gusdurian Network Coordinator Alissa Wahid also responded to @HazHasibuan's tweet. Unmitigated, Alissa Wahid directly mentioned the Twitter of former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan. The reason is, @HazHasibuan wrote in his bio that he was a volunteer from Anies Baswedan. "Mas @aniesbaswedan, in his Twitter bio, @HazHasibuan wrote that he was Anies' volunteer. Sad. For all politicians, it is impossible for us to reach all our supporters. But is there any way to carry out political education for our supporters, so that they remain civilized?" said Alissa on his personal Twitter @AlissaWahid quoted Thursday, February 23. Receiving this direct mention of the eldest daughter of Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid, Anies immediately answered. "Ready, Ms. Alissa. We continue to remind everyone at every opportunity to maintain unity. Differences of opinion, differences of ideas, don't disturb cohesiveness. Thank you for constantly reminding me," Anies replied. In the biography @HazHasibuan it is written like this. "Muslimsympatisan Muhamadiyah the position of the oligarchy regimeAnIES Volunteers "The tweet has been deleted. But the digital footprint of the tweet has been everywhere. The narrative continues to spread." wrote Alissa.

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