
Bogor Mayor Bima Arya emphasized that he will remember his term as Mayor of Bogor will end in the next 10 months. He emphasized that Disdik must be the clean and clear, cleanest and best regional apparatus in implementing good governance, because it is related to education. "I ask the Education Office to focus on improving the quality of education, besides I also want there to be innovations, one of which is to improve the IPM (Man Development Index) figure in Bogor City. Don't there be any more bad practices. That is my main attention," said Bima Arya in his statement, Thursday, February 23. Special school increase correlated figures with IPM, Bima Arya asked Disdik to focus on formulating the increase in the HDM number, one of which is through innovation so that the future it will go down blusukant to the field. For school figures, Bima Arya asked that packages A, B and C be intensified so that it is hoped that there will be no more school-age children who do not continue schooling or are unable to do not continue schooling because it is cost-affected. Regarding physical and school infrastructure that there is visible damage or potential to collapse. It is hoped that there will be an application or complaint system that is directly connected in real time and can be immediately accommodated related to school physical damage reports so that there is clarity. For school infrastructure distribution, Bima Arya considers entering into the long-term program. Bima Arya invites Bogor City Disdik to re-encouplement the character building program or character development as well as anti-corruption education. Bima Arya also asked that cooperation with scholarships be more extended not only public universities, but also private and more exposed. Furthermore, scholarship recipient alumni are asked to be collected so that the relationship is maintained and expected to contribute to Bogor City. "Data and collect, I want to invite and chat relaxed," he said. Responding to the direction presented, Head of Disdik Bogor City, Sujatmiko Baliarto invited his staff to use the direction of the Bogor Mayor as a future guide through the application of digital transformation as a system or innovative solution to the problems they face.

"With digitalization, in the future we want a breakthrough in serving education. Apart from being internal, the external role of many parties is also very much needed to help the complex problems faced by the Bogor City Education Office," said Sujatmiko. Inclusion children's education program, Sujatmiko said that a special school should be built for inclusive children complete with infrastructure that is tailored to the conditions of the students, so it is hoped that the results of the education provided will be maximized.

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