
JAKARTA - Hematology Consultant and Medical Oncology RSCM Kencana Jakarta Andhika Rachman said that the immune system and age can affect a person with the potential for lymph node cancer or known as hodgkin lymphoma.

"Most of these cases with lymphoma occur at a young age of between 15 and 30 years. Also, there are those over the age of 55 years," said Andhika Rachman as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 23.

Andhika explained that the reason many cases of hodgkin lymphoma were found at a young age, namely mature immunity, so that it would easily change.

If at that age, the patient is already exposed to autoimmune diseases such as lupus or HIV/AIDS, the symptoms he feels can transform into lymphoma. Another cause is because it is able to inactivate the body's immune system, the patient can suffer from a heavier type of lymphoma.

According to him, hodgkin lymphoma can also occur over the age of 50 years or at a young age. At that age, the formation of more mature immunity is happening. Conditions can get worse because the person is also starting to experience aging.

Meanwhile, for patients with the most sexes, almost the same number of cases found between men and women who experience hodgkin lymphoma

Aging is not only seen from age alone, but due to poor immunity due to lack of nutrition, for example, so this lymphoma is also suffered by people with malnutrition, for example, there will begin to be changes in character," he said.

Andhika added that not only age, immune system and immune auto disease can make their potential worse. The existence of insulin resistance syndrome such as high cholesterol and high diabetes can also facilitate the occurrence of malignant hodgkin lymphoma.

On that occasion, he appealed to the public to understand the symptoms of the cancer. Among other things, the symptoms that appear are an enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, or groins, which can be accompanied by B symptoms.

B symptoms are characterized by fever of more than 38 degrees Celsius, sweating at night, weight loss of more than 10 percent of body weight for six months, itching, extraordinary fatigue, and intolerance of alcohol.

Currently, there are five types of hodgkin lymphoma treatment based on the management of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), namely chemotherapy, target therapy, radiotherapy, bone cord transplantation, and immunotherapy. As many as 20 percent of patients who have received the first line of treatment, still have the possibility of relapse.

These recurrences require a second line of treatment that is appropriate for their condition, but access to the innovative drugs they need is still limited, and the level of affordability is also still low.

"Recently, innovative treatment of target therapy will soon be included in the National Health Insurance (JKN) scheme, where more patients will have access to the drugs needed, especially for patients who have recurrences," he said.

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