
JAKARTA - Israeli forces killed 10 Palestinians, including about three gunmen and three civilians, and injured more than 100 others, in a raid on a city that is a vulnerable point in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday, witnesses and medics said.

The Israeli military confirmed operations in Nablus, saying its troops returned fire after being fired upon while trying to detain militants suspected of planning an attack in the near future. There were no casualties from the Israeli side, a military statement said.

The Palestinian militant faction, Islamic Jihad, said two of their commanders in Nablus were surrounded in a house by Israeli forces, sparking clashes that attracted other gunmen. The explosions were heard and local youths threw Israeli army armored vehicles at them with stones.

Palestinian sources said two Islamic Jihad commanders were killed along with another gunman.

The death toll also included at least three civilians, including a 72-year-old man and a 14-year-old boy.

Meanwhile, medics said 102 Palestinians were injured, six of whom were in critical condition.

"We condemn the Israeli occupation of Nablus and we call for an end to the continuing attacks on our people," said Nabil Abu Rudeineh, Palestinian President spokesman Mahmoud Abbas.

Separately, Hamas said four gunmen were killed, one from their group and hinted at possible retaliation from the Gaza Strip, the territory they control.

"The resistance group in Gaza is monitoring the escalating crimes committed by the enemy against our people in the occupied West Bank and running out of patience," Abu Ubaida, an armed wing spokesman for Hamas, said via Telegram.

It is known that Hamas and Islamic Jihad vowed to destroy Israel, but in the past they have carried out a ceasefire mediated by Egypt.

Meanwhile, Palestinian state talks sponsored by the United States have stalled for nearly a decade.

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