
KENDARI - The Main Door Security Officer of the Kendari Class III Women's Correctional Institution (LPP) in Southeast Sulawesi, thwarted an attempt to smuggle mobile phones or cellphones that were thrown into prisons. Head of Sub-Section for Security and Order at the Kendari Women's Prison, Misyulwati, said the attempted cell phone smuggling was revealed after officers saw suspicious behavior from visitors approaching the outer wall of the prison. "While passing through the surveillance and inspection posts, the security officer at the main gate or P2U saw that the visitor did not immediately enter the service room but walked near the outer wall of the prison," he said when contacted via telephone in Kendari, Antara, Wednesday, February 22. He explained that when he saw suspicious behavior, Kendari Women's Prison P2U officers immediately approached the visitor who had thrown something into the prison. After the examination, two cellphones and two chargers were found in a bag found in the intermediate prison area. "To ensure the incident, security and order staff immediately checked CCTV to see the incident. Then it was confirmed that there had been a throwing from the prison wall by visitors," he said. Furthermore, visitors who are women with the initials RS (30) were secured and questioned and given a warning and were not allowed to visit until the specified time period. "Earlier, visitors were detained and questioned. After being questioned, interrogated, they were immediately given home," he explained. Kendari Women's Prison Head Andi Wirdani Irawati said she appreciated her staff for thwarting efforts to smuggle communication tools in the form of the two cellphones. He asked all his staff to further improve guarding and supervision to prevent the same thing from happening. "This is our commitment in preventing the circulation of cellphones in prisons is also a form of the integrity of officers so that prohibited items do not enter prisons," said Wirdani.

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