
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) asks parents not to provide gadgets or cellphones to early childhood so that growth and development are not disrupted, including children's speech skills.

"The issue of parenting by giving gadgets (gawai) to children is not the will of the child, but these are parents who give gadgets to their children so that their children are next to them, calm down," said Acting Deputy for Fulfillment of Children's Rights at the Ministry of PPPA Rini Handayani on the sidelines of the "Sing and Reading Together When Noni Comes" event, in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 22, was confiscated by Antara.

In fact, according to him, there are parents who are proud that their children can play gadgets. In fact, said Rini, giving gadgets to children has a big negative impact.

Rini said children who were addicted to gadgets were caused because their parents were wrong in providing care.

Therefore, his party encourages parents and caregivers to do proper parenting, one of which is to keep children away from gadgets and increase stimulation in children.

In line with Rini, Head of Early Childhood Education and Development Tanoto Foundation Eddy Henry asked parents to increase interactions with children.

"The children must be able to interact from the start," said Eddy.

Interactions with children can be done by speaking to children, singing with children, and reading story books to children.

According to Eddy Henry, a good parenting pattern is an effort to prevent cases involving children, both perpetrators and victims.

In addition, good parenting is also an investment to produce children into quality human resources for the nation's better future.

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