
The West Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim arrested 10 street thugs who had beaten a resident named Awaludin alias Acong in the Pelawi Gang RT 03 / 11, Cengkareng Timur Village, Cengkareng District, West Jakarta. As a result of the incident, the injured victim with a knife was still stuck in his body.

West Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Pasma Royce confirmed the arrests of a number of thugs who carried out the beatings in the Cengkareng area. A total of 10 perpetrators were arrested in a number of different places in Jakarta.

"It is true that we have arrested a number of people related to thuggery and beatings in the East Cengkareng area yesterday. We arrested them the day after the incident, but development was carried out until last night and the perpetrators were complete, totaling 10 people," said Kombes Pasma when confirmed, Wednesday, February 22.

The arrests of the perpetrators were made when the public made a report of the beatings at the Cengkareng Police. The victim was beaten while doing a night patrol by a group of thugs.

Receiving this information, members of the West Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim then immediately traced the crime scene and carried out a number of investigations. The police also brought in victims who were in the hospital in pathetic conditions.

"At the hospital we saw the victim lying with a number of stab wounds on the right arm. Even at that time the knife was still stuck, bruises on the face and broken front teeth," he said.

After collecting a number of witnesses and evidence, the joint team from the West Jakarta Police managed to secure a number of perpetrators.

The main perpetrator named Reyhi Passu alias Rey was arrested by a joint team at the Krekot Bunder Raya boarding house, Pasar Baru Village, Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta.

Based on the confession of the perpetrator Reyhi Passu alias Rey, the reason she and her colleagues attacked City Park, Cengkareng, was because he was drunk and felt threatened from a man.

"For the motive for the beating, we are still investigating, what is clear is that we have handled this problem in accordance with the direction of the Metro Jaya Police Chief who said that there should be no thuggery in Jakarta," he said.

"The orders from superiors are clear, there should be no thuggery in Jakarta. All forms of thuggery must be eradicated at Polda Metro Jaya and also Indonesia," he added.

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