Sri Mulyani Kecam Lifestyle Luxury Children Tax Officer Of The Ministry Of Finance Aniaya Putra Warga Nahdliyin
Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani. (Doc of the Ministry of Finance)


Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani highlighted Mario Dandy Satriyo's lifestyle, the son of an official from the Directorate General of Treasury (DGT) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) suspected of being the perpetrator of the persecution in South Jakarta.

The Minister of Finance assessed that as a child of a tax official, the Ministry of Finance should not boast about showing off wealth.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Finance following the report he received last night related to the alleged abuse by the son of a tax official of the Ministry of Finance often showing off wealth. In addition to condemning the crimes committed by the alleged perpetrator, the Minister of Finance also rejected the family of the Ministry of Finance in a luxurious lifestyle.

"The Ministry of Finance condemns the luxurious lifestyle carried out by the families of the Ministry of Finance which has caused erosion of confidence in the integrity of the Ministry of Finance and created a negative reputation for all levels of the Ministry of Finance who have and continue to work honestly, cleanly and professionally," wrote the Minister of Finance on his Instagram account, @smindrawati, Wednesday, February 22.

The Minister of Finance also said that his party would take consistent steps to maintain the integrity of all levels of the Ministry of Finance. He admitted that he would apply disciplinary action if the family of the Ministry of Finance tax official was proven to have violated the law to the rules of the state civil apparatus or ASN.

"The Ministry of Finance's Inspector General took steps according to the rules for the investigation of the ranks suspected of violating the rules and the Ministry of Finance continues to take disciplinary action in accordance with applicable ASN regulations," said Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

It is suspected that the viral abuse on social media was carried out by Mario Dandy Satriyo, the son of a tax official from the Ministry of Finance against the victim named David. The victim who was injured until this afternoon was reported to be still not aware of receiving medical treatment at the hospital.

The persecution allegedly started when David received news from his ex-girlfriend wanting to return the borrowed items. The two also agreed on a location to meet.

However, at the agreed location, David was approached by a black Jeep Rubicon. The victim was then taken to an empty alley.

David was then abused by two people until he was unconscious. The victim, who is said to be a large part of the Nahdliyin family, suffered injuries and was rushed to Medika Hospital.

On social media, in addition to cases of alleged viral abuse, the behavior of alleged perpetrators of the child of the Ministry of Finance tax officials who often show off their assets is also discussed by many netizens.

The video and photo of the alleged perpetrator driving a luxury car led to a number of motorbike brands showing off wheelie tricks on the highway.

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