
JABAR - The defendant in the fraudulent investment case of the binary option Doni Salmanan was sentenced to a heavier sentence of the Bandung High Court (PT). Doni's assets were confiscated for the state. In the decision at the appeal level, Public Relations of PT Bandung Jesayas Tarigan said the crazy rich Bandung was declared proven guilty of Money Laundering (TPPU) according to the indictment of the two first alternatives. "If in the district court the first two alternatives are not proven or the second, but in the first high court the first alternative indictment is proven," said Jesayas at PT Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, Wednesday, February 22, confiscated Antara. As for Doni Salmanan's property confiscated for the state is a number of evidences from points 33 to 136. The evidence in the points consists of a number of luxury vehicles, home assets, money, and other valuables. However, Jeayas said that the confiscation of evidence for the country would not be returned to the victims, but to be returned to the victims, but to be handed over and handed over to the state. "The asset in the form of valuable goods will be auctioned off, that's part of the prosecutor," he explained., the application for restitution from prosecutors who wanted Doni Salmanan's property to the victims could not be accommodated.

Based on Supreme Court Regulation (Perma) Number 1 of 2022, according to him restitution can only be carried out in cases of criminal acts of gross human rights violations, terrorism, trafficking of people, racial and ethnic discrimination, and others. So, he said, cases related to information and electronic transactions (ITE) or banking crimes cannot regulate the provision of restitution to victims. "Not (returned) to parties who apply for restitution or compensation, it was not returned there," he said. Previously, the Bale Bandung District Court decided that the confiscated property to become evidence of the case was returned to Doni Salmanan. Chairman of the Panel of Judges of PN Bale Bandung Achmad Satibi said the property was returned because Doni Salmanan was not proven to have committed a TPPU, and was only proven to have committed a binary option investment hoax.

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