
JAKARTA - Former Minister of SOEs under the era of the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur and the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri, Admiral Sukardi, are close to the Nusantara Awakening Party (PKN).

PKN General Chair Gede Pasek Suardika said Sukardi was a cadre to strengthen PKN in winning the 2024 General Election.

"We really believe that when he entered (PKN), he was not a typical carriage, but a locomotive that pulled many carriages and then made this more developed," said Gede Pasek at a press conference at the PKN National Leadership Office, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, February 21, confiscated by Antara.

Gede Pasek emphasized that PKN welcomes the support of figures, especially for those who have proven their expertise in the previous government.

He believes that Sukardi's joining will strengthen PKN's strategy to get legislative seats, both at the national and provincial or district/city levels.

"We believe that Mr. (Sukardi)'s experience in political organizations, in ministries, and in professionals, will provide insight in our young people," said Gede Pasek.

When asked about the position to be occupied by the Admiral at PKN, Gede Pasek said that the Admiral would be the figure who determines the direction of the PKN. "So the position in the determining part of the party's direction going forward," he added.

On that occasion, Admiral Sukardi said he saw PKN has the potential to become a big party, which will build and improve the condition of the nation and state.

"That's what I want. Both build from scratch. We are still pure, as I said earlier, the challenges were big, heavy, because so that (PKN) would not be carried away by the old current," said Sukardi.

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