
KALBAR - The Provincial Government (Pemrov) of West Kalimantan (Kalbar) asked oil palm plantation companies to play a role in realizing independent villages around plantation areas.

West Kalimantan Governor Sutarmidji said palm oil companies should increase synergy with the local community.

"I hope that there will be a synergy between the plantation and the local community. The plantation company must be able to help realize the status of an independent village in its place, if the village is independent, it means that the existing 54 indicators are all good," he said in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Tuesday, February 21, confiscated by Antara.

He added, with this synergy, the relationship between plantations and the community is running well and can ward off negative judgments on the existence of oil palm plantations.

"We can fight opinions with good things, prove it with facts and data. For example, by means of trees that are not planted outside of palm oil, they are included in one application, later you can measure the carbon, biomass, CO2, everything can be measured," he said.

Sutarmidji also suggested that crude palm oil (CPO) plantations provide flexibility for BUMDes in several regions to produce CPOs with cooperative patterns or BUMDes.

"So, other problems are plantations that are produced by CPO, because they produce a lot, in the end they can't buy, exports are delayed, so the tanks are full. After the community sold it, three days later production, finally the quality price was bad, prices were cheap, that's a problem," he concluded.

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