
PAPUA - Danrem 172/PWY Brigadier General JO Sembiring as Commander of the Operations Implementing Command (Dankolakops) in the release of the Susi Air pilot who was held hostage by the armed criminal group (KKB) Papua asking Egianus Kogoya to surrender.

Egianus is one of the KKB leaders in Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains Province, which is responsible for the transfer of a pilot named Philips Max Mehrtens. "I hope that Egianus Kogoya will immediately surrender himself to the police because if he is not going to be chased and arrested," said Danrem 172/PWY in Jayapura, Papua, Tuesday, February 21, was confiscated by Antara. Danrem 172/PWY said that if he did not surrender immediately, he would lead the pursuit and arrest of Egianus. "My job is to pursue and arrest so it is hoped that Egianus will immediately surrender to the police to be held accountable for his actions," he said. He admitted that the release operation was still ongoing so that many things could not be conveyed to the public.

"But when the operation is complete, everything will be conveyed to the public," he said.

He explained there are reports that KKB has been divided into several groups and it is hoped that it will continue so that they are not united. In carrying out the release operation it is not easy because to reach point one with the other point it can only be done using planes or helicopters so it must be taken into account."Hopefully the New Zealand Susi Air pilot can be released safely including the members involved in it," hoped Sembiring.KKB led by Egianus Kogoya on February 7, 2023 burned down the Susi Air plane piloted by Philip Mark Merthens shortly after landing at the Paris airport, Nduga Regency.Norm 172/PWY oversees the cities and regencies of Jayapura, Mamberamo Raya, Sarmi and Keerom in Papua Mountains Province as well as Jayawijaya Regency, Lanny Jaya, Tolikara, Central Mamberamo, Yalimo, Yahukimo, Bintang Mountains and Nduga Regency that entered the Papua Mountains Province.

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