
BLITAR - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Blitar, East Java, plans to repair houses of residents affected by the deadly explosion of firecrackers in Tegalrejo Hamlet, Karangbendo Village, Ponggok District, Blitar Regency.

"We will assess it first, as soon as possible we will identify it heavy, light and moderate," said Blitar Regent Rini Syarifah, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, February 21.

He also asked residents not to stay in their homes first because they were prone. The explosion damaged the roof tiles and damaged the walls of residents' houses.

The government has prepared the location as a temporary refugee camp. However, if residents intend to stay at their relatives' house first because the house is damaged, the brand is still allowed.

"Some have moved to relatives' homes, because the condition of the house is severe. There is a critical collapse, especially if it rains," he said.

In addition, the Regent also said that the government had also prepared a public kitchen for residents' food needs.

Until now, 23 people have been reported injured as a result of the explosion on Sunday night. One person is still being treated in hospital. In addition, four people died.

Meanwhile, Head of BPBD Blitar Ivong Bettryanto said his party had coordinated related to the incident.

"We are searching for victims, coordinating for the construction of posts and assessments, visiting the victims and recording the number of affected residents. We also distribute basic materials and tarpaulins. Many houses have collapsed roofs and are given tarpaulins, at least they can help from the rain," said Ivong.

He said, for the time being there were 26 damaged houses, so the tarpaulins were distributed according to the number of residents' houses.

"We also anticipate tarpaulins for residents' livestock. From reports that some livestock died, one goat, there were no reports for cows," said Ivong.

Meanwhile, Supin (67), one of the victims admitted that he had not had time to repair the house. Currently, the condition of the house is still chaotic with many tiles collapsing. In addition, water reservoirs are also damaged.

"Dozens of water were damaged, the pump was also damaged. So, going to the bathroom was confused. Many stunts were also damaged," he said.

She also admitted that she is currently still living in the house with her husband. Her children's house is far away so it is not possible to move temporarily. She hopes that there will be assistance for repairs as soon as possible so that the house can be repaired immediately.

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