
JAKARTA - The Bandar Lampung Religious Communication Forum (FKUB) reminded all parties to maintain peace and prevent divisions reflecting on the case of the disbandment of the congregation of the Protestant Yat Daud Christian Church (GPKD).

FKUB chairman Bandarlampung Purna Irawan said the effort could be encouraged by the participation of religious leaders in educating the public, congregants or their congregations to respect each other, especially in political year moments like today.

"Right now, we have entered the political year. This means that we should not be interrogated, so that there will be divisions between others. All kinds of accusations, while there are other parties who take advantage of it," he said in Bandar Lampung, Tuesday, February 21.

Purna also asked politicians who do not or have sat in strategic positions, not to inflame SARA issues, especially religion. He stressed that the Indonesian people are heterogeneous.

"Our society has different mindsets and catch methods, especially if religious issues are brought forward," he said, quoted by Antara.

According to him, efforts to form a complete unity and integrity just as in the precepts of Pancasila cannot be achieved with actions and behavior that highlight the issue of SARA.

He also hopes that politicians and all parties can prioritize their statesmen in achieving something, in wise ways without sacrificing others, especially ahead of the 2024 General Election.

"We want to achieve power, but we want to achieve it in a good, wise way without sacrificing other people. I think it is small to achieve something at the expense of diversity and our beloved Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

Previously, a viral video of the disbandment of worship at the church was carried out by a man in a blue dress in Bandar Lampung.

The viral video that spread shows a man entering the middle of the congregation of the Protestant Yat Daud Christian Church (GPKD).

The worship that took place at the weekend finally stopped. A mother member of the congregation shouted hysterically not what she was facing. The congregation finally disbanded.

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