A total of 10 workers who were building health centers in Alama District were evacuated to Timika, the capital of Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province.
Danrem 172/PWY Brigadier General JO Sembiring said that apart from evacuating construction workers, there were also local residents who were afraid and asked to get out of Alama.
The evacuation was carried out after local entrepreneurs who got a job building the puskesmas asked for help in evacuating their employees to avoid interference with the KKB (armed criminal group) led by Egianus Kogoya.
It was the entrepreneur who previously asked for evacuation assistance for his employees who built the puskesmas in Paro to be evacuated after receiving threats from the KKB.
"With the request for assistance caused by no airlines trying to fly to the area, we picked them up using the TNI-AU Caracal helicopter," JO Sembiring explained to ANTARA, Monday, February 20 afternoon.
Admittedly, previously his party had evacuated 15 construction workers for the puskesmas in Paro and brought them to Timika.
In addition, the TNI-Polri also helped evacuate the community from Paro to Kenyam, the capital of Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains Province.
"If there is a request for evacuation assistance, the TNI-Polri will try to help so that people do not become victims of the KKB's ferocity," said Danrem.
The KKB led by Egianus Kogoya, in early February had set fire to Susi Air's plane piloted by Philip Mark Mahrentens in Paro, Nduga Regency.
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