
REJANG LEBONG - Education and Culture Office (Dikbud) Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province dismissed unscrupulous junior high school principals in the regions because they were caught having intercourse with minors. "We really regret the existence of school principals who are involved in immoral acts with minors. Currently, we have resigned the person concerned from his position as principal," said Head of the Rejang Lebong Education and Culture Office Rezza Pakhlevie in Rejang Lebong, quoted from Antara, Monday, February 20. The case committed by a public junior high school principal in Bermani Ulu Raya District has tarnished the good name of the world of education in Rejang Lebong Regency. Considering that previously in 2022 there were also sports teachers who were arrested by the local police in a similar case. His party is currently waiting for a copy of the detention of a school principal with the initials IM (56) from the Bermani Ulu Police, and then an official memorandum will be raised to the Rejang Lebong Regent to ask for further sanctions. For the time being, he has been dismissed from his position until he waits for his decision in accordance with the applicable law, while for personnel sanctions will be carried out by the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) Rejang Lebong. He hopes that similar cases do not happen again, and asks all teachers, education staff and heads of educational units in Rejang Lebong to be careful at work so as not to be involved in cases that are against the law and uphold norms in society. Previously, officers from the Bermani Ulu Police, Rejang Lebong Police on Friday (17/2) arrested IM (56), a principal of a public junior high school in Bermani Ulu Raya District, Rejang Lebong Regency who was involved in a sexual intercourse case with a junior high school student from Lebong Regency. The case of the IM suspect's sexual intercourse (56) with the victim D (15), a student of a junior high school in Lebong Regency, was revealed after the victim's mother became suspicious when she saw the victim who received the call allegedly from the perpetrator. Then the victim's mother checked her child's cellphone and found the contents of a vulgar conversation or chat between the victim and the perpetrator via the Facebook messenger application. After that the victim's mother asked her child to be honest, and after that her child admitted that she had been sexually assaulted by the perpetrator. Not accepting the victim's actions to her child, the victim's mother reported the case to the Bermani Ulu Police Headquarters. Based on information from the Head of the Bermani Ulu Police, Iptu Ibnu Sina Alfarobi after the suspect IM was investigated admitted that he had intercourse with the victim in his office (school) on Monday, February 6 at around 15.00 WIB, and Saturday, February 11 at around 15.00 WIB. For his actions, IM was charged with Article 76e in conjunction with Article 82 paragraphs 1 and 2 of Law No.17/2016 concerning the stipulation of Perpu No.1/2016 concerning the second amendment to Law No.23/2022 concerning Child Protection with a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

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